How to run OnClass

To run OnClass, please first install OnClass, download datasets and then change file paths in

We provide a and Jupyter notebook as an example to run OnClass. This script trains an OnClass model on all cells from one Lemur dataset, saves that model to a model file, then use this model to classify cells from another Lemur dataset.

Run your own dataset for cell type annotation

You only need to modify line 9-13 in by replacing train_file, test_file with your training and test file, and train_label and test_label with the cell ontology label key in your dataset.

Import OnClass and other libs as:

from anndata import read_h5ad
from scipy import stats, sparse
import numpy as np
import sys
from collections import Counter
from OnClass.OnClassModel import OnClassModel
from utils import read_ontology_file, read_data, run_scanorama_multiply_datasets
from config import ontology_data_dir, scrna_data_dir, model_dir, Run_scanorama_batch_correction, NHIDDEN, MAX_ITER

Read training and test data. Set nlp_mapping = True to use the Char-level LSTM that maps uncontrolled vocabulary to controlled vocabulary. If you don’t want to use h5ad file, you can provide training and test data in the format of numpy array to OnClass. Training and test features (gene expression) should be cell by gene 2D array. Training label should be a vector of cell labels.

train_file = scrna_data_dir + '/Lemur/microcebusBernard.h5ad'
test_file = scrna_data_dir + '/Lemur/microcebusAntoine.h5ad'

train_label = 'cell_ontology_id'
test_label = 'cell_ontology_id'
model_path = model_dir + 'example_file_model'

cell_type_nlp_emb_file, cell_type_network_file, cl_obo_file = read_ontology_file('cell ontology', ontology_data_dir)
OnClass_train_obj = OnClassModel(cell_type_nlp_emb_file = cell_type_nlp_emb_file, cell_type_network_file = cell_type_network_file)

train_feature, train_genes, train_label, _, _ = read_data(train_file, cell_ontology_ids = OnClass_train_obj.cell_ontology_ids,
        exclude_non_leaf_ontology = False, tissue_key = 'tissue', AnnData_label_key = train_label, filter_key = {},
        nlp_mapping = False, cl_obo_file = cl_obo_file, cell_ontology_file = cell_type_network_file, co2emb = OnClass_train_obj.co2vec_nlp)

Embed the cell ontology:


Batch correction using Scanorama:

if Run_scanorama_batch_correction:
        train_feature, test_feature = run_scanorama_multiply_datasets([train_feature, test_feature], [train_genes, test_genes], scan_dim = 10)[1]


cor_train_feature, cor_test_feature, cor_train_genes, cor_test_genes = OnClass_train_obj.ProcessTrainFeature(train_feature, train_label, train_genes, test_feature = test_feature, test_genes = test_genes)
OnClass_train_obj.BuildModel(ngene = len(cor_train_genes), nhidden = NHIDDEN)
OnClass_train_obj.Train(cor_train_feature, train_label, save_model = model_path, max_iter = MAX_ITER)


OnClass_test_obj = OnClassModel(cell_type_nlp_emb_file = cell_type_nlp_emb_file, cell_type_network_file = cell_type_network_file)
cor_test_feature = OnClass_train_obj.ProcessTestFeature(cor_test_feature, cor_test_genes, use_pretrain = model_path, log_transform = False)
OnClass_test_obj.BuildModel(ngene = None, use_pretrain = model_path)

pred_Y_seen, pred_Y_all, pred_label = OnClass_test_obj.Predict(cor_test_feature, test_genes = cor_test_genes, use_normalize=True)
pred_label_str = [OnClass_test_obj.i2co[l] for l in pred_label]

One dataset cross-validation can be used to reproduce Figure 2 in our paper. All data are provided in figshare (please see Dataset and pretrained model)

Cross dataset prediction can be used to reproduce Figure 4 in our paper. All data are provided in figshare (please see Dataset and pretrained model)

Marker genes identification

Please first run to generate the intermediate files (line 53-54) for marker gene prediction.

Train a model using the seen cell types:

print ('generate pretrain model. Save the model to $model_path...')
model_path = model_dir + 'OnClass_full_'+dname
train_feature, train_genes = OnClass_train_obj.ProcessTrainFeature(train_feature, train_label, train_genes)
OnClass_train_obj.BuildModel(ngene = len(train_genes))
OnClass_train_obj.Train(train_feature, train_label, save_model = model_path)

Use this model to classify cells into all cell types in the Cell Ontology. Here pred_Y_seen is a cell by seen cell type matrix, pred_Y_all is a cell by all cell type type matrix.

OnClass_test_obj = OnClassModel(cell_type_nlp_emb_file = cell_type_nlp_emb_file, cell_type_network_file = cell_type_network_file)
OnClass_test_obj.BuildModel(ngene = None, use_pretrain = model_path)
pred_Y_seen, pred_Y_all, pred_label = OnClass_test_obj.Predict(train_feature, test_genes = train_genes, use_normalize=False, use_unseen_distance = -1) + 'pred_Y_seen.released.npy',pred_Y_seen) + 'pred_Y_all.released.npy',pred_Y_all)

Then run for marker gene identification (Figure 5c).

Run for marker gene based prediction (Figure 5d,e,f, Extended Data Figure 7).